
Energy Efficiency.

Workplace Environment.

Achieve breakthrough performance for utilities and commercial real estate with a single integrated software platform.

Decarbonise operations | Minimise energy spend | Maximise occupant wellbeing

Your decarbonisation journey

  • The energy consumed in buildings has a significant impact on the planet, adding up to about a third of total energy demand in most places. 
  • The built environment must, therefore, be rapidly decarbonised with scalable solutions and technologies.
  • The best decarbonisation plans start with good data. Let us show you how we can help with that! 

To significantly move the needle on the energy consumption of buildings, their operation and construction must be fundamentally transformed at scale. Tackling just the operational part of this challenge, i.e., improving existing buildings, is a daunting task. There are millions of buildings around the world and only finite human, material, and financial resources to improve them. It makes sense, therefore, to start with interventions that deliver maximum aggregate benefit. In other words, if you are responsible for a group of buildings you need to be able to measure energy usage, and then rank, filter, and target buildings quickly and easily using this data. Load data, target, intervene, balance, rinse, and repeat. 

Click to read more on each step

Ingest and clean data
  • Planning efficient, carbon-free buildings begins with obtaining and visualising current consumption and emissions.
  • This requires uniform, normalised, comparable consumption and emissions data ingested and updated regularly and automatically.
  • arbnco brings together disparate sources with intelligent connections and processing to deliver you this data – contextualised, actionable, and automatically updated. 

The first step on your decarbonisation journey is knowing where you stand – your current consumption and emissions. arbnco’s data core helps you acquire, aggregate, and maintain your building performance data, making ESG reporting and compliance simple. We improve visibility for owners and managers across diverse and dispersed assets by assimilating, cleaning, and normalising data from disparate sources such as utilities, third party integrators, and on-site networked equipment using our proprietary ML-based cleaning algorithms. The data is finally served in an integrated, secure web-based platform, ready to use for benchmarking and filtering. 

Report out emissions
  • Obtaining high-resolution energy and carbon intensity data is a cumbersome, manual, and expensive process.
  • Emissions data must be up-to-date, granular to each meter and hour, and specific to the supplier for a given meter.
  • With arbnco you can acquire specific energy and carbon data from every UK energy meter without needing to engage with your tenants.  

The specific carbon intensity of a building’s energy consumption depends on its location, supplier, contract, and load profile. The profile recorded by each meter is unique, so while national and regional average emissions intensities are useful rules of thumb, they cannot capture the actual impact of every kilowatt consumed unless these data are recorded at the correct resolution. At arbnco we have built dynamic, robust connections to the centralised databases where this data resides. These connections make it simple to access data, manage consent, and report accurate carbon intensities cheaply and efficiently. 

Benchmark and filter
  • Tackling energy efficiency, decarbonisation, and air quality at scale with fixed resources requires accurate targeting of interventions for maximum impact.
  • Ranking and filtering buildings quickly and easily using standardized, simple benchmarks makes this practical.
  • At arbnco we offer a mix of informative benchmarks to compare a building’s performance against its peers and identify opportunities for improvements.  

Benchmarking a performance metric for a building is a simple and powerful concept for targeting interventions. This “… process of measuring a building’s energy use over time … allows building owners and occupants to understand their buildings’ operational performance relative to similar buildings.” By judging buildings against each other using uniform criteria, we can make the process systematic and repeatable. Benchmarks come in many flavours, and it is often useful to use a variety of them to judge different aspects of a building’s performance, such as peak load, potential wastage, hours spent in good air quality, etc. At arbnco, for example, we offer a mix of industry-standard benchmarks, such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR® index, and custom benchmarks created by our team of researchers to compare a building’s performance against its peers and identify opportunities for improvements. Read more about benchmarking in our article here

Dive in and target
  • With finite budgets and pressure to reduce energy usage and emissions quickly, it makes sense to target the most impactful changes first.
  • By adding more information for that tranche of buildings where interventions are most likely to be feasible, investment in collecting data can be targeted for maximum impact.
  • Our software lets you enter this information using simple forms and identifies the right energy retrofit solutions that minimise energy costs, reduce carbon, and achieve optimal returns on investment.

Our software is a tool for rapid building energy analytics without needing to deploy costly resources on-site for additional surveys. Each new piece of information about a building improves the results delivered. Simple but powerful metrics and benchmarks allow you to refine the buildings to target, and simple data-entry forms in turn help you narrow down candidate actions based on viability of impact. This allows limited expertise and resources to be targeted using data and machine learning, giving a more systematic approach to decarbonisation planning.

Manage and track interventions
  • Energy efficiency and decarbonisation are a continuous process: identify, implement, track, repeat.
  • As tranches of buildings are upgraded sequentially, the impact of interventions should be tracked for real savings delivered.
  • Our software helps you track this by providing logging, tracking, and comparison abilities, allowing you to see how an ECM impacted performance over time.

The value of energy efficiency and decarbonisation measures is fully realised only when the actual energy and carbon savings that result from their implementation is tracked. Our software allows you to log measures and track the energy use after their implementation compared to the forecast from our machine learning models. This is a simple and cost-effective way of verifying savings without committing to a full IPVMP protocol-based Measurement and Verification exercise.

Adjust and balance with IoT sensing
  • Ultimately, the success of decarbonisation plans depends on smart building operation and optimisation for human needs. 
  • As energy efficiency measures are implemented, the focus should shift to balancing ventilation and healthy environments with optimal energy use for operation. 
  • We provide the ability to connect sensors, building automation systems, and meters together with physics-based building models for comprehensive operational balancing. 

A significant portion of typical commercial energy consumption is from heating, cooling, and ventilation. Our software uses distributed sensing to track and recommend improvements to the quality of conditioned spaces, balancing ventilation and wellbeing with energy usage and cost. This stage need not come only at the end of the carbon journey. We recommend measuring your indoor environmental quality for a whole host of reasons – from optimising ventilation to certifying your building with LEED, WELL, and RESET.

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